Sunday, January 31, 2010

The BIGGEST Biblical controversy solved!

Just kidding!
This is part two of my ”What does it really mean to be a Christian” series. Sorry for the random title. :b

Christ commanded us in Matthew 5:48 “be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Talk about raising the bar!
Now let’s think about this for a moment. Jesus know that we can’t be perfect, He knows that no-one until heaven will be perfect. He also knows that no-one but himself has ever been perfect. So...

... why such a high and unreachable standard?

Scripture implies that we can’t become perfect, but we sure can come close! We are to strive toward the goal of being perfect. Christ became sin for us and we then become His righteousness. Mind you, we don’t become His righteousness by our own works, but by His brutal death on the cross for us.

Now you might ask why is this so important?
Well Christ also said “Go and sin no more.” Does that mean “well God will forgive me.” Or “I can’t be perfect so I guess I’m just human like everyone else” NOOOO! God forbid and far from it!
It means literally “Go and Sin NO MORE!”

Now don’t get me wrong, I am (like everyone else) far from perfect. Are we going to fail? YES! Are we going to sin repeatedly in some areas? YES! So I don’t judge any one who doesn't live up to this standard. We need to set our eyes on the ultimate goal which is to hear Jesus say,”Well done good and faithful servant!” This honor is reserved for those who by grace strive for perfection.

May we all remember this and keep our eyes on the Cross of Grace!

Friday, January 22, 2010

What does it really mean to be a Christian? (part one)

Hi Y'all,
Sorry that I havent posted since last year (lol):)
I hope this one will be edifying.

I just got thinking, What does it really mean to be a Christian? This part I will discuss the "Ambassador" analogy.
We are supposed to be light in the world an ambassadore from another country or world. we are magistrates of the Living King of Glory! we are to represent Christ to the world, we are to do what He would do in our own lives. This is not a responsibility to take lightly!
We are not to blend in with the world and conform to it's standards. We don't have their laws to bear.

So it comes down to two choices:
Are you a minister of light?
or are you a conforming bastion of darkness and deciet?

God be with you!