Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Analogies of the Gospel?

I think we as humans like to compare The Gospel to our own earthly experiences. In truth we will never really find a good analogy to fit the Creation to Gospel story (His-story, History). all of the great analogies that we know today (i.e.  C.S.Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Chuck Black, and many others) Have real and wonderful applications to the Gospel, however, if you stretch their idea to cover the real thing, you'll find that the real story can't fit into a Box the size we want to make it!

Chew on that a bit and see if you agree with me!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

God's soverignty

When we ask “Why God?” are we sinning?

Isaiah 45:9-10
"Woe to the one who quarrels with his Maker—
An earthenware vessel among the vessels of earth!
Will the clay say to the potter, 'What are you doing?'
Or the thing you are making say, 'He has no hands'?
Woe to him who says to a father, 'What are you begetting?'
Or to a woman, 'To what are you giving birth?' "

I think we should seriously consider what we are asking when we ask God why He did something. God’s will may not be clear to us, but we serve an all-knowing and all-loving Lord that will never let us fall out from His grasp. So why should we question Him? Do we know more about life than the one who created it?
Please consider carefully before you question His soverignty.